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System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and translatewiki.net if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
System messages
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Name Default message text
Current message text
widgets-config-compiledir (talk) (Translate) Set a default directory for storage of compiled templates
widgets-config-useflaggedrevs (talk) (Translate) Set this to true to use FlaggedRevs extension's stable version for widget security
widgets-desc (talk) (Translate) Allows wiki administrators to add free-form widgets to the wiki by editing pages within the {{ns:widget}} namespace. Community-contributed widgets can be found on [http://www.mediawikiwidgets.org/Main_Page MediaWikiWidgets.org]
widgets-error (talk) (Translate) Error in [[{{ns:widget}}:$1|widget $1]]
widthheight (talk) (Translate) $1 × $2
widthheightpage (talk) (Translate) $1 × $2, $3 {{PLURAL:$3|page|pages}}
wikibase-listdatatypes-math-body (talk) (Translate) Literal data field for mathematical expressions, formula, equations and such, expressed in a variant of LaTeX.
wikibase-listdatatypes-math-head (talk) (Translate) Mathematical expression
wikibase-listdatatypes-musical-notation-body (talk) (Translate) Literal data field for a musical score written in LilyPond notation.
wikibase-listdatatypes-musical-notation-head (talk) (Translate) Musical Notation
wikihiero-category-A (talk) (Translate) A: Man and his occupations
wikihiero-category-Aa (talk) (Translate) Aa: Unclassified
wikihiero-category-B (talk) (Translate) B: Woman and her occupations
wikihiero-category-C (talk) (Translate) C: Anthropomorphic deities
wikihiero-category-D (talk) (Translate) D: Parts of the human body
wikihiero-category-E (talk) (Translate) E: Mammals
wikihiero-category-F (talk) (Translate) F: Parts of mammals
wikihiero-category-G (talk) (Translate) G: Birds
wikihiero-category-H (talk) (Translate) H: Parts of birds
wikihiero-category-I (talk) (Translate) I: Amphibians, reptiles, etc.
wikihiero-category-K (talk) (Translate) K: Fish and parts of fish
wikihiero-category-L (talk) (Translate) L: Invertebrates and lesser animals
wikihiero-category-M (talk) (Translate) M: Trees and plants
wikihiero-category-N (talk) (Translate) N: Sky, earth, water
wikihiero-category-O (talk) (Translate) O: Buildings, parts of buildings, etc.
wikihiero-category-P (talk) (Translate) P: Ships and parts of ships
wikihiero-category-Q (talk) (Translate) Q: Domestics and funerary furniture
wikihiero-category-R (talk) (Translate) R: Temple furniture and sacred emblems
wikihiero-category-S (talk) (Translate) S: Crowns, dress, staves, etc.
wikihiero-category-T (talk) (Translate) T: Warfare, hunting, butchery
wikihiero-category-U (talk) (Translate) U: Agriculture, crafts and professions
wikihiero-category-V (talk) (Translate) V: Rope, fiber, baskets, bags, etc.
wikihiero-category-W (talk) (Translate) W: Vessels of stone and earthenware
wikihiero-category-X (talk) (Translate) X: Loaves and cakes
wikihiero-category-Y (talk) (Translate) Y: Writings, games, music
wikihiero-category-Z (talk) (Translate) Z: Strokes, geometrical figures, etc.
wikihiero-comment (talk) (Translate) Comment
wikihiero-desc (talk) (Translate) Adds <code><hiero></code> tag to display [[Special:Hieroglyphs|hieroglyphs]]
wikihiero-eol (talk) (Translate) End of line
wikihiero-half-void (talk) (Translate) Half-width void block
wikihiero-help-link (talk) (Translate) //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:WikiHiero_syntax
wikihiero-input (talk) (Translate) Input text
wikihiero-juxtaposition (talk) (Translate) Juxtaposition
wikihiero-load-error (talk) (Translate) Load error!
wikihiero-mirror (talk) (Translate) Mirror a hieroglyph
wikihiero-result (talk) (Translate) Result
wikihiero-separator (talk) (Translate) Separator
wikihiero-special-page-text (talk) (Translate) Use this page to try out WikiHiero markup. See [$1 the markup description] for how to use it.
wikihiero-submit (talk) (Translate) Submit
wikihiero-superposition (talk) (Translate) Subdivision
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